Episode 34: Adam Curran and Andrew Hare of Vertical Roots on Food
Aug 21, 2020
In this episode, Adam talks with Andrew Hare, co-founder of Vertical Roots, a hydroponic farm company growing nutrient-dense lettuce. What started as scribbles on a napkin with high school friend Matt Daniels in 2015 is now a thriving enterprise bringing sustainable farming and fresh produce Charleston. For foodies and farmers alike, this is an episode you’re going to love!
Here are just a handful of the things that we'll discuss:
- The Technology of Farming: Listen in as Andrew explains to Adam exactly what “hydroponics” and “controlled environmental ag” really are.
- They discuss how the Coronavirus has shifted and changed Verticle Roots’ entire business model.
- And Andrew and Adam talk about the link between purpose and success: “When you do good work, do work that is profitable, good for the community, and do it with integrity, you’ll be sure to leave an impact.”