Trista and Alice

Episode 33: Adam Curran Talks with Trista the Barista All Things Instagram

Aug 14, 2020

In this episode, Adam talks with “Trista the Barista” (and her mom, Rebecca Kutcher) on all things Instagram and influence. “If you give Trista a goal, she will accomplish it,” says Rebecca. And whether it’s starting a business or qualifying for the World Special Olympics in Ireland, there doesn’t seem to be much Trista can’t do. This is one inspiring interview if we’ve ever heard one!


Check out Trista on Instagram: @tristathebarista and @tristasunshinecompany

Here are just a handful of the things that we'll discuss:

  • Trista and Adam discuss her local celebrity, her business, and how the platform of Instagram has helped her grow and scale.
  • Trista’s mom Rebecca chimes in as they talk about what it is really like to set a goal and shoot for your dreams.
  • And listen in as Trista gives Adam some useful stock tips!



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